Battlestar Galactica Chronology


Updated the Loki-class Heavy Cruiser to include fore and aft views, which sadly completes all the Eaglemoss models from Battlestar Galactica. I doubt if there will be any new updates to this section for a while. It has been a good run.


Two new Colonial additions have been added to the BSG branch of the SSDB. See them here. Unfortunately, it looks like the BSG line hasn't been too terribly profitable for Eaglemoss and the last 5 models that will be released are the Loki-class Heavy Cruiser (#21 NuBSG), Osiris-class Battleship (#22 NuBSG), fully-armored Nu-Galactica (#23 Blood & Chrome), Colonial Shuttle Mk I (#23 TOS) and the Astral Queen/Prison Barge (#24 TOS & NuBSG). When I get them, I will collect the schematics for release around the same time next year. I'm very sad about this, but Eaglemoss needs to make sure they remain profitable so they can deliver other models.


As promised, the Battlestar Valkyrie has been updated, as well as the Orion-class Battlestar Osiris from "Blood & Chrome". Additionally, the Loki-type Heavy Cruiser (also from "Blood & Chrome") and long-sought Cylon Resurrection Ship has been included in this latest release.


After 7 years of nothing new on this front, and many thanks to Eaglemoss, we finally have a very large hole filled in the form of the "Laura" Blackbird Reconnaisance Fighter, built by CPO Galen Tyrol in "Flight of the Phoenix".

An accurate representation of Adama's prior command from "Hero", the Battlestar Valkyrie, is anticipated in the coming months.


I found a few viper kitbash models online by one "Dark Moon Spirit" that I really liked and decided to make some schematics for them:

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Fighter Viper Mk-0 Internet - "Dark Moon Spirit" No
Fighter Viper Mk-Ia Internet - "Dark Moon Spirit" No
Fighter Viper Mk-Ib Internet - "Dark Moon Spirit" No


I've added a couple of new ships that I recently discovered the past couple of weeks since the last Battlestar update, two really cool designs that I'm happy to have found - many thanks to Pierre Drolet and the fantastic Sci-fi Museum for these renderings:


After an even longer break of 2 years, I've collected some more schematics of various ships, both official and unofficial.

During this intervening time, a new one-off production appeared on the web and SyFy Channel named "Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome", which was designed to be a "back door pilot" that could have possibly led to a new series based on the life of a young William Adama as he enters the service of the Colonial Fleet and his time turing the First Cylon War. Sadly, it doesn't appear as if the show ever took off, but it did yield a handful of interesting new designs.

Here is the new release of BSG ships.


After over a year-long break, I've collected a number of new ships for this section, including some official designs from the Original Series along with Caprica, as well as some unofficial designs from Chris Reyes ("Atolm"), an extremely talented artist who does some real magic when it comes to organic-looking ship design sketches for both Colonial and Cylon alike.


Completed the long-awaited Mk I Shuttle from the Original Series.


Just completed the upgrade to what could be the only "good" thing that ever came out of Galactica:1980, the Cylon A/B Fighter. I have no idea what A/B stands for - probably "Advanced Bomber" if I were to hazard a guess. Now, onto the TOS Shuttle.


The next installment of high-resolution and high-detail schematics is now complete - the TOS Eastern Alliance Destroyer. I call it the "Stasi" Class Destroyer - a totally unofficial name, but a name which I feel is appropos to the organization who built these beasts in the show. Going to take a break, now, but I will be coming back to address the Cylon A/B Raider in the near future. Keep watching!


As promised, I have completed the TOS 6th Millennium Fighter upgrade to be more accurate to the studio filming miniature. Now, on to the Eastern Alliance Destroyer!


After trodding through the enormity that was the Star Trek backlog, I am now able to start working on the Battlestar queue for the first time in almost 4 years.

A large number of schematics have surfaced in the intervening time - something I had hoped for in waiting so long to do an update. The folks doing the CG models were none too forthcoming with orthogonal diagrams (orthos), but fortunately, many have come to light, including some fantastic fan-made renders. We have several new additions, plus some updates on other designs already in the database. They are all located here.

I have 4 other schematics that are in the works as custom creations, courtesy of yours truly. These will be done using Adobe Illustrator, in the same pedigree as my Nova-Class Battlestar schematic, which has been well received throughout the BSG Web Community. These will include:

There is now enough photo-study data out there now for these four elusive and popular ships that I should be able to make a good shot at them. More on these later, as they will take some time to build.

In the meantime, enjoy!


This latest release contains the following number of new ships:


This latest release contains the following number of new ships:


Welcome to the new Battlestar Galactica section! It officially went online at 23:30 on Monday night. I think you'll find this new section rather interesting, as it follows in the same tradition as the Star Trek portion of the database. You'll see designs that you've never seen before that have existed since the very beginning of the series and died a quiet death following the series' cancellation. I'll be brief, as most of you users out there know how the site works. Enjoy...

| Colonial Capital Ships | Colonial Small Craft |
| Cylon Capital Ships | Cylon Small Craft |

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