Ship Updates as of June 1, 2024


Updated Federation Designs (12 Official)

Subclass Ship Name Variant Registry Source Official Era
Renders by Nathan Horton
Cruiser Duderstadt   NCC-72300 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY/LDS/PIC/PRO
Exploration Cruiser Ross   NX-76710 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY/LDS/PIC/PRO
Heavy Cruiser Enterprise (Constitution III) NCC-1701-G Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY/LDS/PIC/PRO
Heavy Cruiser Excelsior II   NCC-42037 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY/LDS/PIC/PRO
Heavy Cruiser Obena   NCC-83000 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY/LDS/PIC/PRO
Heavy Cruiser Titan (Constitution III) NCC-80102-A Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY/LDS/PIC/PRO
Light Cruiser Echelon   NCC-97400 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY/LDS/PIC/PRO
Galaxy Exploration Sagan     Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY/LDS/PIC/PRO
Advanced Research Vessel Sutherland   NCC-91800 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY/LDS/PIC/PRO
Engineering Vessel Parliament   NCC-70490 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY/LDS/PIC/PRO
Support Vessel California     Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY/LDS/PIC/PRO
Automated Drone Texas   NA-00 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY/LDS/PIC/PRO

Updated Federation Designs (1 Unofficial)

Subclass Ship Name Variant Registry Source Official Era
Render by Nathan Horton
Frigate Resolute   NCC-92317 Internet - Star Trek: Resurgence View Related Ships No TNG/DS9/VOY/LDS/PIC/PRO
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