New Ships as of December 22, 2022


New Federation Designs (23 Official)

Subclass Ship Name Variant Registry Source Official Era
Advanced Light Cruiser Reliant   NCC-90200 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY
Battle Cruiser Gagarin   NCC-97930 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY
Exploration Cruiser Andromeda 2399 NCC-47700 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY
Exploration Cruiser Ross   NX-76710 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY
Heavy Cruiser Constitution 32nd Century NCC-317850 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes 32nd Century+
Heavy Cruiser Friendship   NCC-321000 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes 32nd Century+
Dreadnaught Merian   NCC-81904-E Bibliography View Related Ships Yes 32nd Century+
Galaxy Exploration Courage   NCC-325080 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes 32nd Century+
Galaxy Exploration Credence   NCC-2804 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes 32nd Century+
Galaxy Exploration Eisenberg   NCC-325071 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes 32nd Century+
Galaxy Exploration Intrepid 32nd Century   Bibliography View Related Ships Yes 32nd Century+
Galaxy Exploration Sagan     Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY
Stealth Ship Deimos Section 31 NI-1021 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes Discovery
Advanced Research Vessel Sutherland   NCC-91800 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY
Scout Spacematic     Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TOS
Agro Ship Angelou   NCC-325020 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes 32nd Century+
Engineering Vessel Dresselhaus   NCC-325019 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes 32nd Century+
Engineering Vessel Parliament   NCC-70490 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY
Seed Vault Ship Tikhov   NCC-1067-M Bibliography View Related Ships Yes 32nd Century+
Support Vessel California     Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY
Science Research Saturn   NCC-325050 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes 32nd Century+
Scout Mars   NCC-325061 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes 32nd Century+
Shuttle Docking Shuttle Drone     Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY

Updated Federation Designs (6 Official)

Subclass Ship Name Variant Registry Source Official Era
Heavy Cruiser Excelsior Prototype 1 NX-2000 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes Movie
Heavy Cruiser Excelsior Prototype 2 NX-2000 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes Movie
Heavy Cruiser Maui   NCC-96761 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY
Heavy Cruiser Toussaint   NCC-87111 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY
Heavy Cruiser Varian Fry   NCC-87883 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY
Heavy Cruiser Zheng He   NCC-86505 Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG/DS9/VOY

New Federation Designs (3 Unofficial)

Subclass Ship Name Variant Registry Source Official Era
Command Cruiser Concorde   NCC-47401 Internet - Star Trek Online View Related Ships No TNG/DS9/VOY
Heavy Cruiser Resolute   NCC-92317 Internet - Star Trek Online View Related Ships No TNG/DS9/VOY
Escort Da Vinci   NCC-91620 Internet - Star Trek Online View Related Ships No TNG/DS9/VOY

Updated Federation Designs (2 Unofficial)

Subclass Ship Name Variant Registry Source Official Era
Escort Cruiser Valiant   NX-74200 Bibliography View Related Ships No TNG/DS9/VOY
Cargo Shuttle Type 9-A     Bibliography View Related Ships No TNG/DS9/VOY


New Klingon Designs (9 Official)

Subclass Designation Ship Name Translation Source Official
Attack Ship Veqlargh Devil Bibliography View Related Ships Yes
Battle Cruiser Bortas Bir Cold Revenge Bibliography View Related Ships Yes
Battle Cruiser Qaw' Destroy Bibliography View Related Ships Yes
Cruiser Batlh Honor Bibliography View Related Ships Yes
Cruiser Jach Scream Bibliography View Related Ships Yes
Destroyer 'Etlh Blade Bibliography View Related Ships Yes
Freighter Par'tok Bird Bibliography View Related Ships Yes
Scout Sech Torch Bibliography View Related Ships Yes
Transport Cilvilian Bibliography View Related Ships Yes

Updated Klingon Designs (2 Official)

Subclass Designation Ship Name Translation Source Official
Shuttlepod Toron Bibliography View Related Ships Yes
Armored Station Ty'Gokor Bibliography View Related Ships Yes


New Romulan Designs (2 Official)

Subclass Designation Ship Name Translation Source Official
Flagship Unknown Bibliography View Related Ships Yes
Warbird Unknown Bibliography View Related Ships Yes


New Other Miscellaneous and Non-Aligned Races/Organizations Designs (2 Official)

Race Subclass Ship Name Source Official Era
Tellarite Freighter Tezra Bibliography View Related Ships Yes Pre-Discovery
Xindi-Insectoid Shuttle Unknown Bibliography View Related Ships Yes Pre-Discovery

Updated Other Miscellaneous and Non-Aligned Races/Organizations Designs (1 Official)

Race Subclass Ship Name Source Official Era
Caretaker Array Unknown Bibliography View Related Ships Yes TNG
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